Jawatan Kosong MD Maran - Majlis Daerah Maran, the name of Maran derived from the name of a small river that flows from Hulu Teladas to Kampung Ulu Luit.
Walaubagaimanapun, according to a story of an indigenous people called the inner mind Tawang bin Isa living in the border village of Kampung Merbau Serengkam, Maran's name comes from the story of eternity which is about seven natives were staying overnight on the edge of a river (River Maran now).
While they were sleeping, they were struck by an institution that is said to be the incarnation of a tiger imitation. Six of the original's triumphant escape and left one of his best friend together with the institution. But the agency did not touch the original but express itself as 'Maran' or 'Friends' and told the original was followed by their former companions along the river. On the way along the river is the original before deploying it with the name of the river Maran River.
The validity of the story before the story can not be certain kerana actually a genuine historical fact still unsolved up to this time.
Citizens of Malaysia who berkelayakan (primacy given to the inhabitants of the land Pahang) and aged 18 years and over were picked to fill a vacancy in the contract department at the Regional Majlis Maran as follows: -
1. Pembantu Penilaian W17
citizens of Malaysia
Beruumur not less than 18 years on the closing date of the position
Malaysia education certificate or equivalent qualification recognized by the government as well as honors in mathematics subjects at the peperiksaam
Honors English (including pass Oral Examination) in the Certificate of Education or equivalent qualification recognized by the Government
How to Apply
(A) Applicants must use MDM.PERJ.1 form which is available from the Department of Management Services Maran District Council. Candidates wishing to apply must submit the form by mail envelope size 11 cm x 22 cm self addressed, stamped 30 cents, and should include a money order worth Rs 2.00 for each piece of required forms.
(B) All applications must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate or a copy of the results of the required qualifications, birth certificate, identity card (front and back) and a photograph.
(C) The officers who are in service must submit applications through the respective Heads of Department in accordance with General Order 21, Chapter 'A'.
(D) The application form is not completed or is not bright, not accompanied by the required documents, does not meet the eligibility requirements stated in the tender, not submitted through the Head of Department for serving officers and not signed will be rejected.
(E) The completed application form should be sent in an envelope of size 22 cm x 32 cm with sufficient stamps. In the left corner of the envelope Name Position applied for.
Applications must be submitted to: -
26500 MARAN,
Further information and how to apply, please follow :
Click Here
Application form :
Click Here
Jawatan Kosong MD Maran closing date 22 Oktober 2012
Jawatan Kosong MD Maran
Written By P R M on October 6, 2012 | Saturday, October 06, 2012
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