July 29, 2015

Jawatan Kosong YTRG - Yayasan Terengganu

Jawatan Kosong Yayasan TerengganuJawatan Kosong Yayasan Terengganu - Yayasan Terengganu was established in May 1, 1972 under Terengganu Enactment no 9, 1972 to help the government develop education industry in the state as the main factor for human development.The reason for the establishment is capital embodied in the enactment in an effort to improve, develop and expand the opportunities and student progress, the people of the state.

Jawatan Kosong Yayasan Terengganu :

Qualified Malaysian citizens invited to fill the vacancies at as follow :
  • Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih (GSTT)
Further information and how to apply, please follow :
Jawatan Kosong Yayasan Terengganu Closing Date 30 July 2015