June 11, 2014

Jawatan Kosong Recoda - Lembaga Pembangunan Koridor Wilayah

Jawatan Kosong Recoda - Lembaga Pembangunan Koridor Wilayah or The Regional Corridor Development Authority (RECODA) is the agency tasked with overseeing and managing SCORE.

The Chairman of the RECODA board is the Chief Minister of Sarawak and RECODA has board representation from all of the relevant federal and state agencies to ensure swift decision making and traditional government procedural delays are avoided.

RECODA has two primary tasks. The first is to promote SCORE effectively by creating and stimulating new and existing markets, and the second, to work towards achieving the ambitious investment goals set by the Stat

To achieve these tasks, and in the face of fierce global competition not just from traditional or regional competitors, but also from developed countries, RECODA understands the need for an environment that generates confidence for private and corporate investors.

As part of this process, RECODA has created a lean and nimble organisation capable of rapid decision-making, fast track approvals and implementation of strategic and tactical initiatives to ensure investors are able to hit the ground running.

Jawatan Kosong Lembaga Pembangunan Koridor Wilayah :

Qualified Malaysian citizens invited to fill a vacancies at Lembaga Pembangunan Koridor Wilayah as follows :
  1. Ketua Unit Dalaman
  2. Setiausaha Korporat
  3. Jurutera Awam
  4. Pegawai Eksekutif
  5. Penolong Juruaudit
  6. Pembantu Am Rendah
Further information and how to apply, please follow :
Jawatan Kosong Recoda Closing date 18 Jun 2014