Jawatan Kosong iNED - Institut Pendidikan Neo (iNED) was established in September 2001. ined manage four (4) simultaneous learning program Distance Learning (DE), Joint Education, Continuing Education and Off-Campus Studies (FRS).
Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ)
- The objective of this program is to offer continuing education for indigenous knowledge and career. They also help increase productivity and contribute to national development.
Pusat Pendidikan Usahasama (PPU)
- Partnership program is a flagship program conducted UiTM UiTM cooperation with the Private Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs). Institution known as Allied College UiTM. This collaboration program gives a second chance to deserving students pursuing UiTM program but did not get a place on the campus of UiTM. The program also indirectly contributed to the increase in enrollment UiTM's academic programs.
Pengajian Luar Kampus (PLK)
- Off-Campus School (PPLK) operates programs that are offered to candidates qualified native Malaysian and CURRENTLY EMPLOYED.
- Lessons were held after working hours from 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm on weekdays.s
Jawatan Kosong Institut Pendidikan Neo (iNED) UiTM Shah Alam :
Qualified Malaysian citizens invited to fill the vacancies at Institut Pendidikan Neo (iNED) UiTM Shah Alam as follows :
1. Pensyarah Sambilan
- Priority will be given to existing lecturers / lecturers in UiTM
- Each applicant must possess a Masters (Masters) in a relevant field.
- Ined the UiTM may terminate the service at any time, if found to have violated ethics and regulations.
Application Online:
Jawatan Kosong iNED UiTM Closing Date : 24 Januari 2014