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Jawatan Kosong DOA - Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak

Written By Jumiran on October 29, 2013 | Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Jawatan Kosong DOA
Jawatan Kosong DOA - Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak or Department of Agriculture Sarawak is a lead agency in the provision of modern agri-food technology and agribusiness support services in Sarawak. The duty is bound to share information regarding the Department's roles and functions, objectives, programmes and services offered to our clients or stakeholders.

  • Spearheading commercialization of agriculture and transformation of agriculture community to achieve high income.
  • We commercialise and modernise agriculture to improve income of the agriculture community.
Broad Development Objectives
  • To increase and sustain the contribution of the mandated agri-food and non-food sector towards the Gross Domestic Product of the state of Sarawak through the development of:
  • Agri-food production particularly rice in line with State and National policies on food security.
  • Agri-food and non agri-food industries which can generate good incomes for all the players along the supply chains.
  • Food safety and sustainable development principles in the pursuit of economic growth for the food production and agriculture sector.
Roles And Functions
  • Provide development assistance to farmers for increased agriculture production and farm incomes.
  • Promote and support the development of agriculture entrepreneurs from among smallholder farming community.
  • Participate in and contribute to development planning which impact on agriculture.
  • Provision of agricultural extension advisory services.
  • Provide agricultural training to farmers and agriculture workers.
  • Develop farmers’ organizations into successful farmers’ business institutions.
  • Promote and support the development of value-adding agro-based industries.
  • Develop, acquire and promote the latest agricultural technology and information.
  • Provide analytical and scientific support services for the food production industry to ensure compliance with quality standards.
  • Promote conservation of indigenous biodiversity with potential for agricultural utilization.
  • Implement quality assurance systems to ensure sustainable agriculture production, and food and foodstuffs produced by local producers are of the desired quality and safe for consumption.
  • Regulate the movement of plant, fish, and animal and products as required by sanitary and phytosanitary measures.
  • Control, manage or eradicate dangerous pests and diseases affecting agriculture and veterinary public health.
  • Facilitate and support the role of private enterprise in developing a vibrant, competitive and sustainable agriculture sector in the state.
Postal Address :
Department of Agriculture Sarawak,
7, 12-17th Floor, Menara Pelita,
Jln. Tunku Abdul Rahman Yakub,
Petra Jaya,
93050 Kuching.
Tel. No.: 082-441000
Fax No.: 082-447821
Email : webmaster@doa.sarawak.gov.my

Jawatan Kosong Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak :

Qualified Malaysian citizens invited to fill the vacancies at Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak as follows :
  1. Pegawai Veterinar G41
  2. Pegawai Perikanan G41
  3. Pegawai Penyelidik G41
  4. Penolong Pegawai Pertanian G27
  5. Penolong Pegawai Veterinar G27
  6. Penolong Pegawai Perikanan G27
  • Applicants who register and apply for positions listed do not need to re-apply if the application is still valid.
  • Applicants who registered but did not apply for vacancies listed can update job application via e-recruitment respectively. For those who have not registered and are interested in applying for vacancies advertised, must first submit a completed registration online via this website.
  • Please refer to the TERMS AND HOW TO APPLY, and APPLICANT GUIDE POST LIST before submitting the job application and make sure all the information filled in the e-recruitment.
  • For further inquiries, please contact an officer from the Department of Agriculture, Mr. Chan Foh Nam 082-441000 online.
Further information and how to apply, please follow :
Jawatan Kosong DOA Closing Date : 31 Oktober 2013
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Notes :
Please be aware of recruitment fraud. The entire stage of this selection process is free of charge. Jawatan Kosong DOA - Jabatan Pertanian Sarawak will never ask for fees or upfront payments for any purposes during the recruitment process such as transportation and accommodation.